30 September 2015

September Favorites

1. Hey Arnold - Jt and I have been having all-day marathons of the best 90s Nickelodeon show on Hulu. In between bouts of homework and readings while we're at home, this show is just perfect to have on in the background. I never realised how adult some of these plots and characters are! It gets real, and I like that. I love the non-traditional home Arnold lives in with the boarding house, how good-hearted he is, and how hilarious Helga is when she does her poetry and swooning after Arnold as she crouches behind trash cans.

2. Fresh Peony Night Treatment Mask - I bought this mid-August after I heard Rachel Whitehurst rave about it's dark-spot eliminating abilities. After a pimple is long gone on my face, a dark scar is always left behind for me to ruthlessly attempt to cover with concealer. After a month of this, the acne scars that have always specifically plagued my cheeks have been greatly reduced. Not completely gone, but noticeably improved. And let me tell you, it is a pleasure to apply this to my face every night. It has a fresh scent, is light and seems to sink in and smooth my face texture immediately. Worth the money for me. I think it's definitely helped my skin stay calm through all the moving and craziness of the first month in Glasgow.

3. Sainsbury's Granola Cereal w/ extra raisins - Eating this for breakfast is literally the last thing that runs through my head before going to sleep at night. That's how much I've become obsessed with this granola. I bought it on a whim for a "healthy" breakfast option (is it healthy to eat this much granola daily?) and instead I eat it all the time, sometimes even for dessert after lunch. I also throw in some extra raisins because the granola to raisin ratio is a bit too off balance for me.

4. Babyliss curling iron - My hair is finally long enough to handle the size of a large curling wand, specifically this 38mm barrel curling iron. This gives a great wave to the hair - not curl by any means, but that's not what I'm looking for. It gives that volume that only heat can give to my hair and gives a wave that doesn't look like you curled it, but instead you just have this natural bedhead. Knowwhatimean?

5. FiveStar Flex Hybrid NoteBinder - Is it weird I have a notebook in my favourites? But I'm telling you, it's great! It's multifunctional! It's a binder and notebook in one, so you have tabbed folder pockets to stuff loose sheets professors give out, then soft rings (opposed to metal) to hold your papers filled with notes. Then you can easily refill blank paper when needed. Only problem is, the notebook paper here is a different size than the U.S. and I bought this back home...

6. BareMinerals BlemishRemedy - I have naturally oily skin that is wonderfully acne-prone, so I've been looking for a powder foundation (a type which I find doesn't immediately cause oil after application) that is also non-comedogenic and has decent enough coverage. I have freckles that I don't like to cover but also pesky acne marks and unevenness I do want to cover and it's hard to find one product that accommodates both of those things. This product comes pretty dang close for me.

*Song favourite of the month: Rigoletto: Bella figlia dell'amore: first heard on the amazing movie The Quartet. Definitely a must-watch and on Netflix! This is a goosebump-inducing operatic track.
